Store Policy
Customer Care
You can see in the "Custom Work" section of our website all of the things that we are capable of doing, and then some. Everything we do is centered around YOU. We have standard props we can make and ship, but the most satisfying experience is when we can work together and create something unique just for you! If you are a Las Vegas resident we can work with pickups or drop-offs to create even more convenience, and best of all, less things to pay for!
We frequently provide touch ups, extra designs, and additions to props. For example, we had a static clown prop that wasn't bloody. While at one of our conventions, a customer bought that along with a few others. He wanted to fasten another prop to the hand based on the scene he was creating, and make it more bloody as well. We took care of all of that for him at the show, and he was able to take it with him at the end with no issues! We are more than willing to work with you, so that you are able to get the exact prop you desire! Our goal is to have everyone who buys a prop from us love it, and be excited to take it home and show it off.
Everything is up to our discretion, and items in our policy can change at any time. Make sure to check ALL sections before you contact us with any issues. All sales are subject to availability, and we have the right to deny service to anyone for any reason. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us in any of the many ways that range from email to calling to DMing us.
Privacy & Safety
We will never sell any of your personal information to any third party source. Privacy and security are at the top of our list for importance. Since we are a family business, there will be very limited access to those records to begin with, let alone anyone with malicious intent. All payments made through our website are secured through Wix's encryption. If any credit/banking information is stolen, contact us and let us know of the issue. Contact Wix after you contact us as well. We will contact them on your behalf after you inform us, but the more knowledge they have the better.
All of your "profile" information is only accessible by you and anyone you share your password with, and the Executives within Sin City Props. We will never ask you to share your password with us. We can look in the database if there's any issues with your account. If you practice good internet safety all of the time, then you will not have any issues!
Wholesale Inquiries
We are now able to do wholesales. We can do wholesales on minifigures, prints, and pillows. The pillows would only ship as only the pillowcase if you decide to buy them wholesale however. We have a three tiered system, where the bigger the orders and/or the more you order, the easier you will move tiers. Our top tier you will get the biggest discount on your orders, along with having a priority to get your order completed over others! We are looking to expand our wholesale abilities. As we get more products that we have the ability to wholesale, we will add it here. Along with that, we will be emailing people who already wholesale, showcasing our new products!
The easiest way to start doing wholesale, is by talking to us during a show, and setting it up in person. If you are not able to do that but would still like to wholesale, send us an email to info@sincityprops.com and in the subject line put WHOLESALE INQUIRY - YOUR NAME and we will review your request and see if you qualify. We have a detailed list that includes the tier levels, more details, and any other information you may need. If you bought from the show, you will receive that document email within a few weeks. If you start a new order, then once you are confirmed you will receive that document!
Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards
- Offline Payments